Saturday, July 25, 2009

I need help choosing a cat name!!?

Here is a list of some names I was thinking of.....give me some feedback on what you like or if you have a better name let me know! :)

Kitten Names:

Dolce – means sweet

Lucca – Bringer of light

Brioni - The name of a flowering vine used in folk medicine.

Amabelle Lovable

Baylee - Courtyard within castle walls: steward or public official.

Calantha Beautiful flower

Devonne Divine.

Aurora - A character from Jimmy Buffett's Tales from Margaritaville.

Camilla - Free-born: noble. Variant of Camilla


Amore – Love

Bella – Beautiful


Keiko - Kindness. Japanese for adored one

Audrey – Strong and Noble

Brinkley – Dog from the movie “you got mail”



Chansu – Chance

MICHIE: gateway; gracefully drooping flower

I need help choosing a cat name!!?
Dolce – means sweet (This name has got to go!)

Lucca – Bringer of light (kinda cute)

Brioni - The name of a flowering vine used in folk medicine.

Amabelle Lovable (Umm no)

Baylee - Courtyard within castle walls: steward or public official. (Vary cute)

Calantha Beautiful flower (Nice)

Devonne Divine.

Aurora - A character from Jimmy Buffett's Tales from Margaritaville. (I like it. It reminds me of the disney princess)

Camilla - Free-born: noble. Variant of Camilla (This is my favorite for a cat)

Heidi- (No)

Amore – Love (Like it)

Bella – Beautiful (my kittys name :D)

Fifi- (sorry but no)

Keiko - Kindness. Japanese for adored one (This is cute)

Audrey – Strong and Noble (I really like this one)

Brinkley – Dog from the movie “you got mail” (cute for a dog but not a cat)

Gidget- (Ew)

Pax- (cute)

Chansu – Chance (for a dog maybe)

MICHIE: gateway; gracefully drooping flower (this would have to be my other favorite!)
Reply:Top 3 favorite names are: Baylee, Brinkley, Keiko.

However I'm going to vote for Bella because that's my name!
Reply:what type of kitty is this? it's hard to see; the pic is kinda small. i personally like camilla.
Reply:I like Aurora and Audrey.. I like Audrey because Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress but it is a beautiful name..

I think you have a great selection and it would be hard for me to choose also..
Reply:my little girl called our cat missie she was gorges but unfotunatly got run over i like dolce because of the designer.
Reply:Baylee is a pretty name, but I also like Bella
Reply:i like keiko..that is a great name for a kitty.

dont name the cat fifi! a fifi is something nasty guys use in prison.
Reply:Keiko, most definately. It's very unique and cute at the same time. :)
Reply:Wow, let me just say she is b-e-a-utiful. I love exotic names that can be prnounced correctly by non-exotic people, lol. You have a really good selection of names so you're doing good either way. I also like to have my pets name have 1-2 syllables. I just don't like to say "Come here Jajsdjkfhasbkdhfaehsfjbaheslkjbfhaljhsf.... If you know what I mean?

I would have to say my favorites are Michie and Keiko. Although Keiko sounds like it should be for a male because of the 'o' at the end. Baylee is also really cute, the spelling included.

Have fun with her, she's just adorable!

Reply:I like Heidi and Dolce, cause she is so colorful, but sometimes it is best to wait until you get a sense of their personality, and that helps name them, but I know what you are going through I just rescued a male cat and I am having a hard time giving him a name! Good-luck

Also if anyone can help me with my question I appreciate it!;...
Reply:go on:


it has lots of names on their

michie is my fav out of ur list
Reply:I like Twilight!
Reply:i like calantha and Aurora
Reply:I have 3 cats and many in the past...

My Siamese cats name is Simon.

I have a tabby named Little Dude

I have another Orange Tabby named Sunshine

I had a flat faced Persian named Bumper.

I had a tabby with write feet named Sneakers.

Last I had a Calico named Marco


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