Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Up against the wall...? So my boyfriend and I of 2 yrs decided to take a break because when hegets angry, he?

becomes a different person. he has changed into someone other than who i started dating 2 years ago. This has been going on for about 11 months now. I have been bringing it up for a while and he just never fixed it. So i told him we needed a break. Everyday he has asked me to get back with him. He says he doesn%26#039;t understand how he%26#039;s suppose to show me he%26#039;s changed if I%26#039;m not with him. But my stance is, you had a chance to show me while I was there and you never did. So now figure it out. Am I wrong for that? We%26#039;ve been separated only a week and he keeps showing up at my job when i get off, he brought me flowers yesterday, still trys to kiss me, trys to hold my hand, refuses to quit saying i love you when we talk. I love him but I%26#039;m tired of telling him that I%26#039;m unhappy and he doesn%26#039;t change. I don%26#039;t think its fair for me to have to deal with that. Am I wrong for this? comments and advice please

Up against the wall...? So my boyfriend and I of 2 yrs decided to take a break because when hegets angry, he?
Ur def not wrong. Ur unhappy, so u left him. Good for u! He%26#039;s not gunna change and shouldn%26#039;t have to. Get with someone who u can accept as they are. But to get him away from u, ur prolly gunna have to be an a ss!
Reply:tell him everything u%26#039;ve told us random strangers on the internet. if he still doesnt change u tell him that he obviously doesnt luv u enough to change. I think ur choice was 100% rite. If things dont work out try to move on, but, for ur sake, i hope he sorts his issues out.

good luck with him
Reply:i would kick em to the curb so fast there head would spin.

at home skin care

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