Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Painting on the wall in TV Series Fraiser?

There is a red, blue, black and white painting in the background in the flat of the Paramount TV Series Fraiser.

It seems to be of a vase of flowers or something similar, but is a bit de style/pop arty as well (am a businessman not an artist so please excuse if this is totally wrong).

Either way, it is a top painting and if it is famous I would like a copy of it.

Has anybody got any ideas what it is? I%26#039;m listening!

Painting on the wall in TV Series Fraiser?
Haha, Frasier is an excellent show. I%26#039;m not certain exactly what painting it is, but I have an idea of how you can find out. If you own the DVDs, watch the behind-the-scenes stuff, especially in the early seasons, and the Director and other people talk about the apartment and where they got some art from. You might get lucky and they could specifically state what piece of art it is, or they might state an artist.


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