Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I have a half wall in an home office and would like some advice on what I could put on it or hang in its space

I do not want a fish tank. or flowers in a vase. I want something


I have a half wall in an home office and would like some advice on what I could put on it or hang in its space
Well you can%26#039;t go wrong with a plasma flat screen television.
Reply:How about A nice stained glass piece ,it

would pick up the light from windows or lamps on both sides.

And if you are feeling creative try making one yourself

craft stores have kits for the real thing and the %26quot;painted %26quot;

glass types.

have fun
Reply:what is a half wall?

gee unusual.

skeletons of aminals maybe a nice rodent collection

Insects pined to foam

paper coffe cups from the world over

cady bar wrappers

picture of old nude women

spikes that just jut out

a milloin nails pounded in with one red one

old shoes

beanie babies

a nice noose collection

small matts of hair from as many animals as can fit

one centered 4%26#039;x3%26#039; poster of man in coneo on mountain stream%26quot; caption reads %26quot;No one cares about your dreams get back to work%26quot;

All the books you%26#039;ve read on expending your imagination.

the rest of the wall

hang any picture. take of picture of the space. then hang that picture and take a picture. repeat

Hungry hungry hippos

Bars,screen or a door mounted side ways and opens down with a sign that reads %26quot;Keep this door closed at all times%26quot; because for once the sign would make sence.

a framed peice of blank paper.

One of those bubble walls.

a big concave or convex lens

a hammock

A spider web net (used for truck beds)

one of those magnetic rollie things on carzy long track

a 1/2 scale model of the space

bricks just brick it up.

an old barn door

doors from lockers

a big shiny orb

one of those flying lawn mowers

big jacobs ladder or plasma screen like @ Spencers

A sign thats reads %26quot;advertise here%26quot; or %26quot;this space for rent%26quot;

page from a book that reads %26quot;this page intentionally left blank%26quot;

model of a triangle with all the Trig stuff explained

well I hope something in there sparked something in there. I%26#039;v a million more but owe them to others.
Reply:Go to DIY.com or HGTV.com and check thru their ideas. Design on a dime also has a site and they%26#039;ve come up with some cool ideas too. I%26#039;ve seen hanging patterns cut from masonite and painted as a %26quot;room divider%26quot;
Reply:paint it a different color than the rest of the room and it won%26#039;t take much to make it stand out. try some black and white prints.
Reply:plants, philly%26#039;s do quite well. add some pic%26#039;s of grandchildren or your pets. or crystals, different colors are suppose to mean different things. but they all are beautiful. what ever you do, make it your space, something you%26#039;d really enjoy seeing every day.
Reply:Go buy cork board and some push pins, you will be able to put up messages, calender and other important paperwork. It is an office.
Reply:put up wall mirrors so you can see your Secretary.
Reply:1] miniature wall screen

2] small collection - duck decoys, angels, classic toys, cat statues

3] statuary from whatever period you decorate in

4] large, open fan in rack

5] hanging plant?

6] wind chimes, kite, flying bird, etc.

genealogy mormon

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