Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How do i make a 3-D design on a bedroom wall with regular wall paint?

simple figures like stars,haerts,and flowers. if i paint 2-D figure how do i make it 3-D

How do i make a 3-D design on a bedroom wall with regular wall paint?
With lots of dark shadowing and outlining of each object. They%26#039;ll jump out at ya!
Reply:Using the tromploi method (meaning to trick the eye). It%26#039;s necessary to use colour to %26quot;shadow%26quot; items to make them %26quot;pop%26quot; off the wall and look 3D. Find your light source and paint the shadowing in the areas which would not receive normal light from windows.

Have fun.
Reply:Well, (in the old days), we used to photograph the design we wanted using 35 mm %26quot;slide%26quot; film, then get the film developed and then, using a projector, project it onto your wall and pencil-trace you deign onto the wall - then paint!
Reply:two hits of white blotter

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