Tuesday, April 14, 2009

If you were looking for art photography to put on your wall what style and subject matter most interests you?

I am a professional photographer and beginning to sell my photography as a piece of art but love to shoot so many subjects that I wanted to survey people to find out what they are most interested in. Some examples are: nature scenes, landscapes, sunsets, interesting people, southwestern styles or European styles, funny photos or abstract objects, animals, flowers, buildings, interesting doors or windows, etc...As well as do you like black and white, sepia or color photographs? I shoot all of the above and have a huge collection already, so surveying to decide what styles will interest people the most, so I can then work on promoting those photos first.

Thank you for your input!!!

If you were looking for art photography to put on your wall what style and subject matter most interests you?
I LOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEE black and white photography, it is so clean and crisp and eye catching! I personally like anything European.... kind of like what you would find on the walls in a %26quot;Olive Garden%26quot; restaurant... they cover intriguing people, food, family, open air market places, wine country side etc. Good luck with the sales!! :)
Reply:Check out my flickr favorites page for the types of photography I like.

Reply:I do a lot of b%26amp;w images of religious themes. They do fairly well where I sell them. I have a lot of those on my wall at home, but also have b%26amp;w architecture and landscapes in the feel of Ansel Adams (but oddly enough don%26#039;t have anything of his), and also enjoy texture images.
Reply:Clouds. I get lots of requests for them.

Personally, on my walls I love light and dark contrast in textures. Black and white is best.
Reply:I like black and white photos. Theme wise, lately anything thats travel photography type ala National Geographic stuff.
Reply:ocean, sunsets and women
Reply:I love lots of different styles of photography, but some of my favorite works are black and white, gothic-style architecture. Certain European buildings are just amazing in the striking contrast of a black and white photo.
Reply:One of my favorite subjects is abstract shapes and shadows. I like black and white a lot and if I lean toward color it has to be bright brilliant almost blinding color. I like strong images and a picture that makes an immediate impact.
Reply:I am a fan of Ansil Adams, I think B%26amp;W photography is very intriguing.
Reply:I think when you put something on the wall, you want people walking by to stop and look at it. If it is black and white then it must be crisp and not grey. Yes there will be shades of grey but the blacks should be black and the whites should be WHITE. If you are mounting color images they must be bold and striking. The content of the image should be complimentery to the surroundings. You wouldn%26#039;t put a picture of a street person in a dental office but it could go into some cafe%26#039;s bathroom or hallway. You wouldn%26#039;t put a Bob Carlos Clark in a corporate office, but you might put one in your bedroom.


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