Monday, August 3, 2009

Mushrooms in my bathroom makes my moods swing , makes me maadddddd!!!!!!?

i hate the sight of mushrooms in my bath tab/shower. some algae and mushroom sprout out of my bathroom of this house that i'm renting. the bathtub/shower was in bad shape when i moved in so this stuff grows out of the open seal between the tab and the bathroom wall. i keep my bathroom really clean but it seems that there is just enough moisture and material enough to support the growth of mushrooms and brown algae. anytime i see these plants i get the jitters and i feel really mad. i need to know how to get rid of them once and for all without having to redo the entire bathroom. i will redo it in the near future but as for now i need a method to stop plants from growin in my bathroom coz i have little kids who might think its a pretty flower. i don't know if the mushrooms are poisonous or what.

Mushrooms in my bathroom makes my moods swing , makes me maadddddd!!!!!!?
Sounds like you have a real problem going on. I seriously would be concerned for the health of myself and family if I were you.

Molds and things that you are speaking of growing in a home can create a lot of health issues.

You say you are renting, the landlord needs to take care of this ASAP and if he doesn't you will need to report him.

No one should live in such conditions, this needs to be taken care of immediately.
Reply:step 1.dont use to hot steaming water while taking a shower the reason the mushroom or mold is there cuz it moist

step 2. teach your kids not to eat them there poison

step 3. get a exterminator
Reply:Yes, have the landlord fix this, or contact the health department! And yes, it's more than likely that the "mushrooms" (probably toadstools) are poisonous.

In the meantime though, you may try using some bleach on the affected areas.
Reply:Are you serious???

You might want to talk to your children about not eating mushrooms that they find in the bathroom or anywhere, and explain that unknown mushrooms might be poisonous and that they should only eat the ones that come from the grocery store or a restaurant which are cultivated commercially. If your kids are smaller than explaining age, then they should probably be supervised in the bathroom anyway.

It sounds like you are living in a basement apartment unit that was built over a swamp. I would try to get out of your lease and find somewhere else to live. In the meantime, you could at least see if the landlord can get some kind of professional treatment done to at least maintain a safe place for you to live . Good Luck!
Reply:Just buy some sealant. It isn't squirting toothpaste.

dry skin care

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