Monday, August 3, 2009

Counting things for no reason?

Hello, I was wondering what this means:

Whenever I look at something, I always count the things in it..For example, if I am looking at a flower pot, I would always count how many leaves there are...The list goes on to countless things..carpet's design on the floor, to the pictures on the everything. And the thing is I can't even control it. Can anyone tell me why I am doing this?

Counting things for no reason?
This isn't weird. It's just a compulsive habit. Some are more of a problem than others. Personally, for a while I used to not be able to shut off a lamp or light without making absolutely sure, several times, that the switch had been flipped just right! So I made myself aware of each time I was doing it, and forced myself NOT to reach out and test the switch again. Shortly thereafter, I completely quit doing it.

Probably you have some anxieties, and so it is possible that counting things gives your life order and makes you feel more in control of your life.

You should read up on this. I Googled the words "compulsive counting" and found tons of links to read up on this subject. Try it.
Reply:Ya, I do that... It's a little OCD. It sems to keep my mind off of worrying about other things. Kind of like my brain just decompressing from other stressful thoughts, ya know!

Lol, I think mine started when I was taking ballet classes when I was 5. We always had to count the steps, ever since then I seem to be counting something almost all the time now.
Reply:It's an obsessive habit. And since you can't turn it off, it sounds like obsessive compuslive disorder. It's treatable, but since it doesn't seem to be a problem, you may just want to live with it. If it's really bugging you, you can get therapy, and that soemtimes helps.
Reply:If you are counting them for no reason, you are just weird.

If you are counting them to either keep something bad from happening or to relieve stress, you probably have OCD. Which, I mean, is weird, too.
Reply:I do the same thing, it's a symptom of anxiety and it's how u cope with it. If this is your only symptom consider yourself lucky, I have dozens and they're very embarrassing.
Reply:I count things all the time thats normal, one, two, three, four, five guys who want to kick my ***, hmm...


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