Monday, August 3, 2009

Can someone teach me why this poem does not rhyme?

I scoff at the lofty mountain before me as bitter tears roll down my face.

I cry, Dear Lord please help me as I stumble to a slower pace

I plead in prayer and begin to say...

I ache for something forbidden

I feel it to be love but to whom it is for is where my dark secret lay hidden.

I beg my spirit to bid thy will and stop yearning for his love to feel

I reach and wonder is Thy mighty arm stretch out to me still?

I know thou can mold me as soft clay to a potter

I stall for help to not thirst for his unclean offer

I see his gift is like acid rain to a dessert flower

I wonder why I have lost my desire to reach for Thy loving power

I believe Thou Art the author of love and giver of all

I question….can thou free me from my lonely prison’s wall

I want my heart filled with a pure fire of ever-lasting love so true

I ask for my heart to soften and my vision to expand anew

I dread my choice ahead and I feel so lonely and almost dead

I look up to the starry sky then back down upon the mountain oh so high

I hold my hand close to my chest and know what is for the best

I have faltered many times at the task that must be done

I dread that I must break our heart that has mended into one

I wipe the bitter tears from off my face and stand to start another pace

Can someone teach me why this poem does not rhyme?
Yeah, it rhymes, some is slant rhyme, like potter/offer, feel/still, but it rhymes. Emily Dickinson used slant rhyme, it's perfectly valid.

If you want to make it have end rhyme instead of internal rhyme though, add more line breaks. For example, the line "I hold my hand close to my chest and know what is for the best" has internal rhyme - chest/best - but no end rhyme. Saying...

"I hold my hand close to my chest

And know what is for the best" it end rhyme, which is what the rest of the piece has.

But yeah, it rhymes.
Reply:The poem does rhyme. "Face" and "Pace" rhyme, as does "forbidden" and "hidden". The whole poem rhymes.
Reply:Contrary to what Phinnies says, a poem does not need to have patterned end rhyme in order for it to be effective.
Reply:it ryhmes u idiot.
Reply:it's a free-form poem.....

kinda like the poem the black people do in the ghetto....
Reply:Parts of it rhymes, parts of it doesn't. Not all the paired words actually rhyme - example potter/offer. Part of the problem is that there is no consistent pattern to the rhyming. In one case it appears you are rhyming every two lines......and in some cases like hidden/forbidden you are skipping. A good rhyming poem needs to have a pattern or the rhyme is lost.

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